45-47 Rawson Street
Epping NSW 2121
(02) 9876 4357

Directors Elections 2024

Under the Triennial Rule 2 positions for the Board of Directors become vacant.

Monday 9 September 2024 – Club Elections Nominations open from 12 Noon
Monday 23 September 2024 - Club Elections Nominations close at 12 Noon

If more than 2 nominations are received, voting will occur as per below calendar dates:

Friday 11 October 2024 - Club Elections Voting in Club 12 noon – 8pm

Saturday 12 October 2024 - Club Elections Voting in Club 12 noon – 8pm

View the Club Elections Notice here.

Thursday 31 October 2024 – Annual General Meeting 7.30pm at the Club

Members must be financial as at 31 July 2024 to be entitled to vote. Eligible members must produce their current membership card to receive a ballot paper. Any enquiries concerning the post nominations aspects of the Election should be directed to Australian Election Company on 1800 224 420.

Who can nominate:

The Constitution of the Club Clause 27.6 states: A member shall not be eligible to nominate for or be elected or appointed to the Board unless the member has been a financial member of the Club for at least three (3) years immediately preceding the close of nomination referred to in Rule 28.2 (C) or the date that he or she is to be appointed to the Board.

Nomination forms are available at the Club. Once completed email forms to nominations@eppingclub.com